Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sometimes I fade

into the background.

I'm realizing that my personality is changing.

I used to not agree with my Myer-Briggs test results that told me I am an introvert-
but lately, I am seeing it.
I am better at listening and asking questions than carrying the weight of a conversation.
When I am asked to talk about myself, I often feel like I babble and am saying too much-
but I love hearing others' stories...

I sit in silence and watch with eyes;
the humor brings a smile.
I concentrate and dig real deep;
before talking, wait awhile.

But other times I want to sing
in the halls, or maybe dance.
I'll laugh real loud and cover my mouth;
Embarrassed, I see them glance.

I'll strut my stuff and beat-box riffs,
bein' goofy and having fun.
But other times I stay inside
when I can't see the sun.

All around- we're up and down
the days they come and go.
I learn knew things of me each day
I never cease to grow.

1 comment:

Amanda Jane said...

I identify with this :)