We go to school to gain knowledge.
We gain knowledge to get a job.
We get a job to support ourselves and be able to send our kids to college.
So they can get knowledge.
So they can get a job and support their families.
What a nasty cycle.
I do and don't want a part in it.
There are some days I just want to become a gypsy.
I'd float from place to place
meeting a lot of cool people
living frugally
not worrying about paying a heating bill
or getting the oil changed in the car
or investing money.
Just- live day to day.
Actually trust God for once.
moneymoneymoney, I spit on you.
..Then I wipe it off :(
I'm such a product of the system.
You don't understand how many times I've brought this up when talking to people over the past year. I'm new to Wartburg(well, I was new 8 months ago) and it got me truly thinking about the societal system I was joining. I am not here to get a degree so that I can fall in to this cycle, I've decided. I am here so that I can learn. I'm here for the joy of learning what I can learn.
Don't be too ashamed of being part of this system, it has been the work of many people so that you are stuck in it.
and honestly, after reading these posts Kate, I don't think you really have to worry about becoming a part of that system.
P.S. I truly hope you do not find it disconcerting that I sign this anonymous, you simply do not know me and I don't want to bother you with a facebook friend request from a silly freshman. :)
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